Just like its brewery sibling, Bud Light, Budweiser is out chasing the press prior to the Super Bowl. The A-B folks seem to want to generate favorable stories about the ad The King of Beers will debut on the king of games (or sooner, if they decide to jump the gun as Bud Light did a week or two back).

In an almost unprecedented move, Adweek magazine folks were. even invited to Budweiser's commercial shooting, which resulted--certainly to A-B's delight--in a cover story gushing about the filming as though a Hollywood movie was being made. Then again, if you read the advertising trade press these days, it often sounds more like Hollywood flimflam than professional advertising critique. So maybe having reporters flying to a location, staying in nice hotels, hobnobbing with the director, and eating catered meals, all on Bud's dime, is the height of "press relations." It certainly worked this time because Adweek's resulting coverage is fawningly entitled "Return of the King."
Ah, the power of catered food!
Which struck us as an advertising idea we'd seen before...
In this snippet of the new ad from Budweiser-via-Adweek, see if it feels more like authentic history... or Hollywood hoohah...
A better route to authenticity
Meanwhile, if distinctiveness by way of authenticity is really what the brewer thinks will move Budweiser sales, we'd recommend facts over fantasy. Take, for example, the facts--and the complete absence of fantasy--in this short piece...
Just imagine the power had that authenticity been delivered to the SuperBowl's 188 million viewers!