Tempted as we've been to enter this list-making fray, we've resisted... until now. But since we have our own holiday celebrating to do, we've decided to have just one list, and just one entry on that list. This, of course, cuts down on our work, but it also respects the time demands on you, the reader.
So we've chosen to focus on the dumbest statement made by a beer-industry executive in 2017. As fate would have it, without having to do a bunch of research, the hands-down dumbest quote just arrived in our mailbox courtesy of Beer Marketers Insights. We owe them our thanks for this remarkable time-saver.
The "winner" is...
From the guy responsible for marketing the largest beer brand in the country, a brand that continues to post sales declines of 5-6%--a staggering (!) 1.9 million barrels of beer volume lost in the current year alone--comes this...
said Dilly Dilly is
'creating such a fun buzz' and the 'creative team is having a blast.'"
Desperation, meet stupidity
Measure #1: As we have chronicled before, "buzz"--the talk on the street, or on television, or even in games being played in bars-- has no marketing value unless it is correlated to sales gains, the only consequential measure of marketing success. By itself, buzz ain't biz.
Measure #2: Citing creative people having a good time making these insipid Dilly-Dilly ads, and suggesting their "having a blast" is somehow good for Bud Light, is an obscene insult to marketing in general. Heck, it's insulting to anyone with an I.Q. above single digits. Ad-agency creative people are paid handsome salaries to create advertising that sells beer. "Having a blast" is what they do after work, over alcohol beverages (although rarely beer) and banned substances. But maybe in this particular case they should be giddy. After all, they have a client so clueless as to spend millions and, rather than hold them accountable for sales results, he celebrates their... celebrating.
The end
This will all end badly. If Bud Light's ads haven't improved sales by now, adding more of the same sort of pointless humor won't move the needle. Of course, that won't stop the marketing folks, just as they continued to spend on the three earlier failed campaigns. Such is desperation in extremis. So, expect more of these ads.