Predicting the sort of advertising a given client might sponsor may be why we broke into a cold sweat when the latest Bud Light ad appeared recently. We were perplexed: Is this the kind of advertising the newly appointed, and highly respected, Bud Light top marketer wanted for the country's largest--and most challenged--beer brand? Yikes.
Then, a sigh of relief. We realized this particular Bud Light ad would've already been filmed and scheduled, well before the brand's change of marketing command. If we wanted to gauge the way the new guy would approach advertising, we should look elsewhere.
And so we did. Especially from his very successful tour at the helm of the Anheuser-Busch-owned Goose Island Brewery. Unlike the majority of craft-beer brands, Goose Island actually runs television ads. Like this one...
So if you're rooting for Bud Light, it's got to be an encouraging sign that the guy now running the brand knew exactly how to sell Goose Island in a sea of competition.
Cautiously optimistic, we'll now go back to waiting for his debut effort on Bud Light.