There is some tongue-in-cheek in what follows.

Well, we've stumbled on a pretty darned good answer from an unexpected source. Before we say where it came from, here's the new claim we propose for America's #1 beer...
so there's no reason to stop the party!
What's that you say? There's no way you can claim a beer "keeps your senses sharp." That'd be prohibited by federal law. Or would it?

"Prohibited statements" include health statements "of a therapeutic nature"
and "statements that imply a physical or psychological sensation result(ing) from consuming the malt beverage." Like sharp senses?
Craft beer does it
But wait! Good news for Bud Light! Those rules must be out-of-date! Or ignored. How do we know? Well, there's at least one major craft beer out there claiming it "keeps your senses sharp." And it's selling very well. While Founders All Day IPA has more alcohol than any light beer, that alcohol apparently doesn't dull a drinker's senses. It says so right there on the label. And Founders had to get that copy approved by the TTB, so it must be a legit claim for a beer. Especially so for an even lower-alcohol light beer.
Just imagine this recent "Don't stop the party" Bud Light ad featuring Pitbull updated with the "Keep your senses sharp!" claim.