Over the past few years Coors Light advertising has been running a series of ads loaded with cues aiming to establish itself as "the most refreshing beer in the world."
Authenticity has always been a key to effective beer marketing. These days it's also doubly valued as "the way to the millennials heart," as Forbes put it. And as for marketing, an Adweek piece quoted a Disney-owned content-creation studio guru's assertion, "This generation doesn't dislike brands. What they don't like is advertising."
Just as nothing screams "advertising" any louder than faux characters scuba-diving in beer coolers, nothing telegraphs authenticity more powerfully than fact-based distinctiveness. It's taken Coors Light some time to come to the realization that make-believe dramas and authenticity do not play well together. Better late than never.

Could the ads could be improved? Sure. They're a little dour, the announcer could be more engaging, and it takes too long to get to the brand. But these criticisms are relatively minor. This is very solid advertising, made even better by featuring the updated package graphics that showcase the Rocky Mountain equity.
Welcome home, Coors Light.
Now stay put.